As the implications of COVID-19 continue to unfold across the world, it's highly likely that we will all be impacted in some way. What we are going through is unlike anything any of us have ever encountered. With all the Online media, TV, radio and print news coverage, it is easy to get swept up in the hype and fear. Without downplaying the significance or seriousness of the crisis, we also need to find a sense of calm in all the messages. A global Pandemic [from the Greek pan = all, demos = people] of some sort has occurred previously in different periods in history. Humanity has always managed to eventually find a solution and deal with things in the end. We too will find a solution and deal with the current pandemic.
Christian communities tend to pray more in times of crisis. Our daily prayer now is that we find God in these days of trouble and that we will all experience His peace and love. We have been and will remain in prayer for you, your families, and for those directly affected by or in dealing with COVID-19. With social distancing and quarantine restrictions of some sort on the way. Practical ways we can help others include;
Calling people we know are missing contact with loved ones, online video calls to friends and family to cheer each other up and share any good news. Writing a diary or letters to friends or family members.
As we all focus on what we can do to stay healthy, may we continue to pray and lean on the guidance of our leaders. May we also grow to understand that Jesus is our greatest hope and comfort in times like these. May He be near to us as we go through changes to our routines.
Thank you for the words of encouragement and support that have come my way.